Quote of the Week (or Last 4 Years)
Posted 19/11/2015
We very rarely quote any of the plethora of ‘chart expert’ or ‘technical’ timing predictions of what the precious metals market is going to do. Not only are they many and varied, but we question the effectiveness of technical analysis in what we consider (for now…) to be a fairly manipulated market; one where there appears a disconnect between physical demand and commercial paper trades, with the latter currently dictating the spot price. Many know of Larry Edelson and many have not enjoyed his forecasts for the last 4 years as he has been quite bearish on gold and silver. He famously picked the November 2011 high and has been bang on since (again though we remind you in USD, not AUD). So here is what he released just yesterday:
“I've waited four long years to be able to say this:
This is the beginning of the end for the bear market that has depressed gold, silver and other commodities since 2011!
This is truly a red letter day for me: For four years now - ever since I called the exact top of the commodities market in November of 2011 - I've been known far and wide as a commodities bear.
I've begged, pleaded and even nagged my readers to "go short" gold, silver, oil and other commodities - to own investments that soar when commodity prices sink. (If you followed my lead you had the chance to grab some impressive profits.)
As recently as last month I told you it would be many months before this great bear market in commodities ended and that they would most likely bottom sometime next year; possibly even in June, July or even later.
Now I have no choice but to revise that forecast:
My cycles charts are virtually screaming it:
The bear market in commodities is beginning to end NOW; more than SIX MONTHS EARLIER than I expected!
And as I just pointed out in my emergency briefing, "NEW Supercycle Profits" ...
- The cycles charts CONFIRM that the bear market in seven key commodities is beginning to end now ...
- The facts on the ground - the supply and demand fundamentals on gold, silver, oil, grains, copper and more - CONFIRM this conclusion ...
- Right now I'm eyeing aggressive GOLD investments with the potential to deliver gains of 1,215% ... 1,273% ... up to 1,303% ...
- And I'm also considering aggressive SILVER INVESTMENTS with the potential to deliver gains of 1,517% ... 1,896% ... up to 2,002%.”