Japan’s mountainous debt
Posted 13/08/2013
Not long ago (1st Aug) we tried to quantify what 1 trillion ‘looks’ like. Well Japan, the 3rd biggest economy in the world, just hit 1 quadrillion Yen in debt. That looks like this: ¥1,000,000,000,000,000 or to use our seconds analogy of 1st August is equal to 32.8million years in seconds, or $10 trillion, or more than the total economies of Germany, France and the UK combined! More concerning though is that it is around 230% of Japan’s GDP. One seriously wonders how you could ever pay that off without inflating your way out of it. And this is the country that is printing money at $75 billion per month (only just behind US’s similar QE of $85b). Gold and silver bullion that you hold is REAL money. You can’t print or IOU it like this… PS Tomorrow’s a public holiday in Brisbane and our office is closed but our webshop will be open.