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1oz Gold Coin 2025 Four Guardians - Perth Mint

1oz Gold Coin 2025 Four Guardians - Perth MintAINSLIE EXCLUSIVEThe Perth Mint is pleased to present the 2025 Chinese Myths and Legends Four Mythical Guardians 1oz Gold BullionCoin.In the rich tapestry of traditional Chinese culture, four majestic creatures stand guard over the four cardinal directio... Read More...

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Ainslie Exclusive - Rare & Sought After

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1oz Gold Coin 2025 Four Guardians - Perth Mint


The Perth Mint is pleased to present the 2025 Chinese Myths and Legends Four Mythical Guardians 1oz Gold BullionCoin.In the rich tapestry of traditional Chinese culture, four majestic creatures stand guard over the four cardinal directions, each one intertwined with a season and one of the ‘five elements’ said to govern change in all things.

Portrayed on the reverse, the Four Mythical Guardians preside over a backdrop of towering mountains and swirling clouds.

• Phoenix, symbol of the south, summer, and fire.

• White Tiger, symbol of the west, autumn, and metal.

• Tortoise with snake, symbol of the north, winter, and water.

• Dragon, symbol of the east, spring, and wood.

Included in the design is the 2025 year-date and a ‘P’ mintmark.

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